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2024-25 Morning Study
Class Starts Thursday, September 12, 2024

Welcome to CLS! This year we venture back to the Old Testament. We will start with a continuation of our study on the Holy Spirit with "Help is Here" by Max Lucado, followed by a Life Guide study of Nehemiah. We will finish with a beautiful and inspiring walk through the Psalms. These insightful studies are sure to take you even deeper into God's Word and strengthen your relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Women of all ages are welcome!
The Morning Group meets at St. Martin's Episcopal Church on Thursday mornings each week from 9:30 am to 11:15 am with breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break. Childcare is available. We also offer Zoom groups for anyone unable to meet in person.
The cost for CLS is $30, and you will purchase the study guides (USE LINK BELOW) separately. We have included links to Amazon with each study description, but most booksellers will have them as well!
Come experience great fellowship centered on God’s Word. You are very welcome!
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